April 30, 2017

Our Blood Covenant

This is really Part 2 of an exceptional understanding opportunity for ALL of us today.  The relevance of this to us today seems both useless and out of time in today’s society, however, that is as far from the truth as is possible!  It is from Genesis 15 of the Bible.

To grasp the enormous implications of Israel’s sacrifices, we need to recognize our modern preconceived ideas today about sacrifice, blood, and animals that cause us to dismiss the whole thing as ancient and repulsive. Yes, just mentioning the thought of killing animals today brings a volatile backlash of hate, despise, and even reprisal today from a number of “rights groups” and even government laws. 

What we are going to see is that sacrifice points us to the beauty of Jesus.  It all stems from the beginning of time and far beyond the borders of Christian and Jewish tradition and history. 

However, “getting our head wrapped around” animal sacrifice, the shedding of blood, and trying to understand what is Biblically called a Blood Covenant today is difficult but also is the centerpiece of human history in respect to eternal life.

Next, if we can put this teaching in conjunction with last week’s teaching about “Why is the Bible Good for Today?” and take time to go and listen to these two messages it will answer and clarify so many questions about Christianity, it’s relevance to us today, God & Jesus Christ, faith, and why the Cross, that once and for always bring you understanding.

Therefore, first watch April 23’s message that is out of 1 Samuel 25:


Next watch April 30th’s message that is out of Genesis 15:




Church On The Hill, Salem, Oregon

Pastors Bruce Stefanik and Jason Treadwell

Our Church Website:  http://cothcommunity.com