Updates and News about Bob & Kathy Butcher as they serve as Chaplains to NASCAR in association with Motor Raciing Outreach.

MRO Interview with Quinn Houff

Enjoy this enlightening interview with NASCAR Cup Series Rookie this year, Quinn Houff by our MRO President Billy Mauldin and Nick Terry on May 26th, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp4iQC29AhU

MRO Interview with Quinn Houff2020-05-27T16:38:48-08:00

Bob & Kathy’s Church Services for you during the CoronaViris isolation

  Greetings to you today as we go through this virus isolation together and cannot be with you at the race track.  (or, should I say iRacing these days?)  Kathy and I always pray that we can provide you with the best possible ministry, and in our Chapel the best subjects and life help.  So [...]

Bob & Kathy’s Church Services for you during the CoronaViris isolation2020-04-10T13:38:43-08:00

Greetings during the CoronaVirus Isolation

Greeting on this beautiful sunny April day, …at least here in Salem, OR that is and hoping it may be for you also.  I’ve been feeling that this needs to be my style of the “roll call” or “Check- In” time with everyone that I have a number, email, or message access for. It has [...]

Greetings during the CoronaVirus Isolation2020-04-10T13:39:35-08:00

Comfort Multiplied

Chapel Service Colorado National Speedway June 9, 2018 "Comfort Multiplied" Bob Butcher 2 Corinthians 1: 3-7: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion, mercy, and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our worst troubles, so that we can comfort those experiencing the [...]

Comfort Multiplied2018-06-07T15:00:29-08:00

“The Top 10 Questions People Ask About God, Jesus, Bible, & Christianity Today” (Part 1 of 4)

  Chapel Service Colorado National Speedway July 27, 2013 “The Top 10 Questions People Ask About God, Jesus, Bible, & Christianity Today” (Part 1 of 2)  Bob Butcher We have been going through a series that focuses on the top questions people have about God, Jesus, Christianity & the Bible.  We all have questions and [...]

“The Top 10 Questions People Ask About God, Jesus, Bible, & Christianity Today” (Part 1 of 4)2014-02-28T08:58:30-08:00

“The Chase” to a Championship Marriage

All American Speedway - October 16, 2010

Since our marriage is the largest area of life where happiness and forgiveness is attacked today let’s turn our aim to marriage. Where is God’s bull’s-eye and our aim? We’ll look at that in light of how God made men & women different.

“The Chase” to a Championship Marriage2014-02-28T08:58:34-08:00

“Mechanics of Forgiving” – Part 3

Miller Motorsports Park - September 12, 2010 – Part 3

Many people are reluctant to show mercy because they don't understand the difference between trust and forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past. Trust has to do with future behavior. Forgiveness must be immediate, whether or not a person asks for it. Trust must be rebuilt over time. Trust requires a track record. If someone hurts you repeatedly, you are commanded by God to forgive them instantly, but you are not expected to trust them immediately, and you are not expected to continue allowing them to hurt you.

“Mechanics of Forgiving” – Part 32014-02-28T08:58:34-08:00

Infineon Raceway report – 6/19/10

Andrew Ranger celebrates winning the Thunder Valley Casino Resort 200 at Infineon Raceway. Getty Images for NASCAR Ranger Coasts To Victory At Infineon Two-time Canadian Tire champ has just enough in tank for win By Kevin W. Green, NASCARJune 19, 2010 - 6:07pm SONOMA, Calif. -- Andrew Ranger ran out of gas on the final [...]

Infineon Raceway report – 6/19/102014-02-28T08:58:35-08:00

Welcome K & N Engineering!

NASCAR has announced a 7 year agreement with K & N Engineering, Inc. to be the Title Sponsor of what had been the Camping World Series, both East & West which Kathy and I serve as the MROA Chaplains/Pastors of. Kathy and I are thrilled to welcome the K & N Engineering staff which we [...]

Welcome K & N Engineering!2014-02-28T08:58:35-08:00
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